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...the friendly club

Monday Morning - Section A (13-Jun-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1254.0 60.48% Diane Maltby - Alan Maltby (4)0.21
2224.0 53.33% Anne Gulley - Geoff Gulley (2)0.15
3222.0 52.86% Jan Hoffman - Annette Densley (7)0.11
4209.0 49.76% Eileen Skerl - Anne Manester (1) 
5200.0 47.62% Robyn King - Ian Black (6) 
6193.0 45.95% Ivy Timms - Mary Bottomer (3) 
7168.0 40.00% Estelle Dehnert - Pat Hemetsberger (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1241.0 57.38% Ross Sutherland - Kay Sutherland (1)0.21
2234.0 55.71% Jackie Hendrix - Mark Harnack (3)0.15
3219.0 52.14% Kay Webber - Ruth Mackinlay (2)0.11
4206.0 49.05% Judy Hildebrand - Richard Walsh (7) 
5205.0 48.81% Maz Clay - Betty Bevan (5) 
6194.0 46.19% Ken Nolde - Rosalind Walsh (6) 
7171.0 40.71% Janie Brennan - Karl Hemetsberger (4) 

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