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...the friendly club

Friday Afternoon (3-Jun-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1270.0 60.27% Patrick Arthur - Annette Densley (9)0.27
2268.0 59.82% Glenda Vincent - Upasana Shanti (7)0.19
3250.0 55.80% Harry Hankinson - Samantha Shaw (8)0.14
4221.0 49.33% Cary Clarke - Glenda Websdale (4)0.09
5219.0 48.88% Robyn King - Julie Benjamin (2) 
6216.0 48.21% Isobel Rewell - Dudley McMahon (3) 
7202.1 45.12% Helen Thompson - Ronald Thompson (5) 
8190.0 42.41% Frank Castle - Kerry Thorp (1) 
9179.9 40.15% Shona Sandes - Monika Humble (6) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1308.0 68.75% Astrid Borchardt - Karl Hemetsberger (1)0.27
2265.1 59.18% Jeff Fanton - Peter Keys (6)0.19
3262.0 58.48% Linda Lee - Greg Dobson (9)0.14
4245.0 54.69% Robynn Sherwood - Rina Maesepp (5)0.09
5218.0 48.66% Sharon Jacobs - Margaret Galvin (8) 
6205.0 45.76% Gwen Bagley - Pat Hemetsberger (7) 
7174.0 38.84% Julianne Green - Alwyn Green (3) 
8173.9 38.81% Maree Foote - Lesley Woods (4) 
9165.0 36.83% Yvonne Tagg - Carol Curran (2) 

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